Interview with…..Jeff Gould

1. What was your inspirations for this play?
Mostly my divorce. There was a lot of material. It was stressful, but looking back, it seemed comical.
2. Are the couples based on real people?
One of the couples was based on me and my ex-wife. The rest I pretty much made up.
3. What do you hope the audience get from seeing your play?
First and foremost, I want them to be entertained. That’s what it’s all about. However, I did do some preaching here and there, and I hope it might get some couples to think more about their marriages and relationships, and approach them in a smarter or more productive way.
4. Do you have anything else coming out?
I have written a series of ten minute plays. I have never done that before. I plan to put up an evening of them, hopefully within the next few months.
5. Do you have a writing routine?
No I don’t really have a writing routine. I think it’s a good idea and I would like it, but for now, I mostly just write when I am inspired.