“What do you think we’ll be in 10 years,” Mary
“You wanna know,” Harold
“Yeah.” Mary
“Probably in some bedroom,” Harold

I like the phrase, “get it together.” Those few words automatically shuts down an angry conversation with someone who doesn’t have their life in order. At some point everyone needs to get his or act together. Or else, life will pass you by and you’re at home watching reruns of Beverly Hills 90210 wishing that Donna just give it up to David. No disrespect to the show, I’m just saying. Next to a career, romance is high on the list where you want things to go right, or at least, according to plan. This is the dilemma that Mary Hewitt (Hadley Durkee) and Harold Kruger (Joseph Basquill) face.
The two met at a dance when both were freshmen in high school back 2011. Six years later in January 2017, during Christmas break, their paths meet again at a house party in Pennsylvania. Mary, 21, attended Temple University, majored in English literature with a desire to become a poet. Harold, 22 went to Boston University to study computer science. They take the opportunity at the party too talk about what’s going on with them individually. Mary is very direct, Harold not so much. He’s a bit neurotic. Every time Mary says something, he takes it personally and goes over-the-top with his ranting and raving. Mary verbally responds to his action, “A sober mind is a fabulous thing,” she says.

He expresses his hatred for the government and she listens intently. He visits her home and it’s more like a therapy session instead of a friendly visit between friends. She’s cool and he’s a hot mess. Mary breaks it down to wanting to be loved, understood and cared for, almost worshipping. She refers him as a wrecked fuck boy. They have sex and it appears they enjoyed it. However, their personalities, he’s more let’s try new things and she’s more, we can try new things with caution. They say opposites attract, but, that doesn’t mean they will last. Mary and Harold have somewhat grown out of their shells and are learning how to adjust to their new found traits.
Both actors bring a lot to the table in this complicated relationship they share. You want to root for them to make it, but, you feel that they are too damaged to make it work. It’s a difficult choose for both the audience and characters. Very thought provoking and intriguing, the story gels together. There are no easy answers. Mary and Harold must decide to either be together or be apart. Those type of decisions don’t come easy but something will materialize in order for both to move forward.