Photos by Matt Misisco
Sir, would you mind closing your legs? We don’t need to see your testicles.
—Actress Courtney Scheuerman addressing the audience in one of her endearing characters

The lady who came out to explain to the audience what the rules are for the performance, came out looking crazy. Hair all stiff, wearing two different shades of green and blue, knee hosiery with the bands showing and huge eyeglasses with thick lenses. She kept smiling like she drank lemonade with no sugar. Her ass was all elevated, holding and reading off from a clipboard and talking long about hamsters. I’m assuming that it was actress-writer Courtney Scheuerman in one of her hysterical moments serving up the enthusiastic crowd on what to expect.
Scheuerman is an actress trying to make it and break it in LA. With so many actresses on the prowl, for that Emmy-winning or Oscar-winning role, Scheuerman has a lot of competition outside and a battle within herself. You would think that she should be doing a lot better. She comes from a well-off, supportive family. Attended the best schools. One could say that she’s got it going on, but, there is a problem. Her love life is a total mess. She turns to therapy to repair her broken heart. Unfortunately, every heart break means another therapy session with different therapists. All the help she previously received, went out the window when a new man comes around. She knows she needs help. She knows she needs to do something because, continuing on with this recklessness will only destroy her. Her goal is to change the narrative from a negative to a thriving positive. She’s a smart girl. She’ll figure it out.
She finds a new therapist and gets to work. Well, kinda starts. She’s good for the first two sessions then, she loses interest and doesn’t return. Or, worse, she tells bold faced lies to keep the conversation going. “I have a wonderful life,” she admits but at the same time she doesn’t like what she sees in the mirror. She’s with her fifth therapist in two months. Her self-deprecating humor is endearing, in a sad sort of way. Her choices with men haven’t been the greatest and she doesn’t mind sharing those painful memories. One hysterical tale was the time some fool showed off his penis to her. Instead of being appreciative, she was fearless and chased his ass away. She’s ballsy, I give her that.
It’s not easy asking for help. Especially, now, during this crazy pandemic time which is testing everybody’s health especially mental. Scheuerman proves that changing one portion of her life will result in better circumstances. It’s not going to manifest overnight. She experienced a lot of despair and anguish to get where she is right now. Her story rings loudly of truth, humor an insight. Scheuerman proves anyone can make the necessary changes to have a more balanced and healthful life. You gotta start somewhere, right? Scheuerman’s blue print for a better quality of life, with mishaps and all, is one to follow, possible to achieve. Holding Court ended its short run this past weekend.